Hellenic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), a member company of GROWTHFUND – The National Fund of Greece, on Thursday announced that the group consisting of the companies D Marinas Hellas Single Member SA – Tourist Enterprises of Messinia SA as the preferred investor for the granting of the right to use and develop the marina of Pylos for 40 years.
The total value of the agreement for the development of the marina amounts to 1.5 million euros and includes a lump sum of 550,000 euros payable at the beginning of the concession plus a percentage of the marina’s annual gross revenue.
It is estimated that the new concessionaire will implement investments of around 15 million euros in the coming years for the upgrading of the infrastructure and operational capacity of Pylos Marina. The file of the tender will be submitted to the Court of Auditors for pre-contractual audit, while the transaction documents will be signed after the approval of the Court.
The marina of Pylos is in the central and northeastern part of the coastal zone of the town of Pylos, with its capacity amounting to approximately 130 berths facilitating vessels with a length of eight (8) to 30 meters.