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Save money on your ETS compliance by learning its new rules!

An important workshop will be organised in Athens, 12/10!

The continuously changing regulatory environment, high carbon prices and a difficult macroeconomic environment represent an ever-growing challenge for installations covered by the European Emissions Trading System. In their free workshop in October, the experts of Holt Global Group and Pact Capital AG offer a helping hand to be well prepared for next years.

A steeply declining cap and the step-by-step phase out of free allocation forces even those power and industrial companies to rethink their hedging strategies that have been covered by the system since the beginning.

While companies must learn new terms like cap rebasing and carbon border adjustment mechanism, they also have to compete for the allowances with new market participants from the maritime sector. Shipping companies, on the other hand, are just learning the market rules.

If your company is active in the power, manufacturing, aviation or maritime sectors and you would like to understand the emissions trading market, join the experts of Holt Global Group and Pact Capital AG 12 October, 2023 in the Electra Metropolis Athens Hotel where you will be also able to ask all your questions.

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